Friday, June 17, 2011

Health Care Systems in Malta

The health care system in Malta is provided by the Maltese government, being that it is the only ACUTE hospital in Malta and due to the notion that it is free there is a high turn over of patients throughout the hospital especially in Accident and Emergency (A&E). Although over the last couple of years the nursing profession has identified its importance in the state health service, the health care service continues to be controlled and dominated by Doctors over other health care professions. However, working relationships between Doctors and other health care processionals are generally good.

Due to private and confidentially reasons I was unable to take pictures inside the hospital however a picture of me standing outside follows:
This is me after a great lecture on caring for the Critically Ill patient......

......a picture of the acute government 4year old Mater Dei Hospital from afar. 

1 comment:

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