Sunday, March 6, 2011

St. Paul's Shipwreck

Feburary 10th was a Public holiday in Malta, it is dedicted to the Shipwerck of the Apostle Paul. It occured in St. Pauls bay in the year 60 AD.
The Shipwerck
Saint Paul stayed in Malta for three months and performed a number of miracles, like the healing of the father of Publius, the Roman governor. Publius became the first bishop of Malta. Tradition has it, that St. Paul converted the Maltese to christianity, but there is no historical evidence to prove it. The first signs of the existence of a christian community in Malta date back to not earlier than the fourth century. Nevertheless Saint Paul is regarded as the one who brought christianity to Malta; Saint Paul is the patron saint of Malta and the cathedral of Valleta (the capital city) is dedicated to him.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alexis

    You use the images well with your text. Now I would like to see more blog postings on the experience of being a nursing student her in Malta on this erasmus exchange. Please try and reflect on the cultural differences between your country and Malta.


