After being a student at middlesex university for 3years I have never felt so independent and competent as a nurse. I am currently in my final year on my final management placement which finishes in 2.5 weeks. Although I look forward to it I still remain nervous, I have worked so hard for this and it has finally come to an end. Today on MAU has been so hectic, I have had 6 patients by myself and although being supervised it feels like I am alone and it feels like I am a nurse. I have been able to manage these patitents by myself and use all my skills that I have gained through the years.
Having spent my final year in Malta I feel like this has helped me alot, it has boosted my confidence, increased my knowledge and the experience has allowed me to grow professionally. However, I feel like as I am not able to use certain skills I obtained in Malta in the UK i.e. taking and reading ABG's, adminsitering IVaa drugs and fluids, cannulating and taking FBC's I feel like I am loosing these skills. I am aware that once I qualify these will come naturally and I will be taking mini courses which will also increase my invovlement in these skills. All the same I am glad I obtained these skills.
What I need to continue to work on I would say is my drugs, I need to familirise myself with common drugs used in the UK. Although time and experience will make increase my drug knowlegde it is something I have identified. If I had to do anything differently within the last 3 years I would pay more attention and do it all over again.
Next Chapter awaits....... :)